Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Making Christmas Gifts!

I love the concept of homemade Christmas gifts.  I love the thought of investing my time and efforts and creative energies into gifts that demonstrate my love for the recipient -- in a way that giving a gift card purchased at check-out just can't.  I love feeling that I'm breaking free of the system -- a rebel against commercialism and greed, toward real love and thoughtfulness.  

I love receiving homemade gifts!  I love the variety of things I end up with this way, the showcase of loved ones' varied talents.  There is something wonderful about receiving something that you know someone else put real time and thought into.

Now, reality:
 These photographs are taken December 19, 2010.  I don't know what time it was, but I can assure you that it was late.  My amazing gift ideas had been whittled down, simplified, and economized by this point: Christmas cookies, probably hard as a rock.  On a creative scale of one to ten, I give it a 3.5.  By the time they made it into recipients' tummies, they were probably quite disgusting (even really snazzy cookies keep only so long).  
Quintin is obviously enjoying his role as slave-labor, the one perk of the situation ;-)
Next year, people!  Just wait...

Waiting for Santa! (Or, not...) December 19, 2012

While Quintin had never before demonstrated anything but complete antipathy towards Santa, he was now three years old, and we figured it was an ideal age to help him move past the initial fear and mistrust, to embrace, as his peers did, Santa the Giver.  Along this vein, Kevin and I loaded Quintin into the car and headed to Lakeland Square Mall, Santa's closest outpost.

Since it was just under a week before Christmas, we were competing with about 300 other children and families for the chance to talk with the guy in the big red suit.  Fortunately, Santa's throne bordered a play area, and we were able to keep Quintin happily occupied for the almost two hour wait.  While we waited, Mommy pointed out Santa and took Quintin close enough to see other children crawling onto his lap to discuss their wish-lists.  He seemed pleased by the concept, and waved to Santa happily before heading back to play.   Daddy got up to hold our place in line, and Quintin and I played...and played...and played... I used to the time to contemplate desired poses for the great photo opportunity.  I also discussed some of our family's traditions with Quintin, including our own understanding of the Christmas story's significance and Santa's role in it (his gifts to remind us of God's Great Gift).  He wasn't that interested, but we were surrounded by play equipment ;-).

At long last, our turn came.  Daddy was looking pretty grumpy by the wait (standing in line turned out not to be his favorite way to spend the day), but none of that mattered when Santa looked over at us with his jolly grin.  I turned, smiling, to my precious son.  He glowered back at all of us, saving a particularly brutal glare for Santa.  We were lucky to get out of there before Santa got injured.  Apparently, the man in the big red suit makes Quintin see, well, red.  We talked, on the way back to the care, about showing kindness and love toward everyone, especially someone like Santa who makes such an effort to care for others.  Quintin did not look convinced.  Maybe next year...  Meanwhile, I decided to enjoy another year without Santa and all the more negative aspects of the holiday he can sometimes come to represent.  I guess there are worse things ;-)

Enjoying Grammie & Grandpop's Birthday Gift - December 13, 2012

Like Father, Like Son :-).  Grammie and Grandpop Smith sent this wonderful woodworker's bench for Quintin's third birthday.  Quintin immediately set about using the wooden tools with the focus and determination of a true master builder :-).  What a great way for Quintin and Daddy to share their passions for creating projects!

Family Performances - December 12, 2010

We began the morning watching Daddy star in a Christmas play for our church's contemporary service  -- Kevin played a Christmas grouch and kept everyone laughing :-)

Next, we drove down to Quintin's preschool in St. Petersburg, Alegria Montessori, to watch him perform in his first school program!  Granddaddy Slicker, Aunt Tanya & Uncle Mikey, and Makayla Slicker also came to see the big event.  

Quintin got very sick just before his third birthday party and remained so throughout the week, so he missed the daily practices for the show.  This, combined with the fact that he fell asleep just before we got to the school and had to be awakened after only about 20 minutes of sleep, did not bode well for the late afternoon program.  He made it about 10 seconds into the first song before beginning to sob loudly for Mommy and Daddy.  As soon as he spotted us in the crowd, he ran off of the stage (altar) and into our arms ;-).  

We did enjoy meeting the other parents & students, and Quintin loved looking at the older students' projects and munching on goodies served at the reception immediately following the day's festivities!  It was also very nice to see Aunt Tanya and Uncle Mike, Makayla and Granddaddy :-)  

We love you, Quintin!

Quintin's Third Birthday -- December 11, 2010

Quintin's third birthday came amazingly fast -- it's incredible to think about how quickly our precious boy is growing!

We began the day by opening a special package Grammie and Grandpop sent down from New Jersey. Inside, we found a complete Nativity set by Fisher Price!  Quintin loved setting it up and began immediately acting out scenes with all of the Little People and animals :-)  Best of all, the entire set came in a big box full of packing peanuts -- a small boy's delight!  (We had a very hard time getting him out of that box ;-).

Later, we headed out to the Ergle Family Christmas Tree Farm just above Dade City.  There, Daddy and Quintin took a train ride round the farm and we hiked up and down rows of growing trees.  After spending quite some time eyeing the prospects with Quintin and I, Kevin, spoiled by years of grand New Jersey greenery, led us over to a tent filled with out-of-state beauties that the farm had shipped in. We finally agreed on our perfect family tree (probably fresh from NJ!), and got it loaded in the truck with the pride of Olympic champions.

We closed out the day at Sarah and Nick Cannon's Christmas party :-)  We enjoyed time playing games and socializing, while Quintin was very excited to open special presents that "Aunt" Sarah and "Uncle" Nick had waiting for him!