Quintin loves playing outside, and has a new favorite home activity -- swinging! Several weeks ago, Quintin yelled, "Swing!" while we were taking the garbage around to the dumpster at Grandmother Slicker's. Sure enough, a blue swing sat next to the dumpster, complete with sturdy ropes and metal attachments. We took the swing home and cleaned it, and later put it up in a tree behind the house. Now, Quintin constantly begs to go outside and "SWING! SWING! SWING!" Despite the four acres of orange trees surrounding our house, there are surprisingly few good swing trees -- hopefully, this one grows at about the same rate as Quintin, as it's still pretty young! Because the tree is still scrawny, I put up the swing very close to the trunk along the lowest branch; it doesn't, therefore, get much action! He's perfectly content, however, to move the couple inches in each direction that the position yields, staring up at the leaves and clapping his hands! What a beautiful reminder to enjoy the little things in life :-)
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