Quintin began an early obsession with tractors -- going to Tractor Supply Company for dog food, etc., is still an exhausting experience! That fascination has expanded to anything with an engine that moves -- airplanes, trucks, cars, tractor trailers, buses, helicopters, choo-choo trains -- you name it, he adores it, and he's learned how to say all of their names! His favorite books are the couple that Nana brought him that name all of the different kinds of trucks and tractors; his favorite outfit (he outgrew it months ago, but still insists on squeezing into it!) is a pair of pajamas from Grammie and Grandpop decorated with tractors! He carries an assortment of small metal vehicles everywhere, and Mommy always keeps an emergency supply :-)
Daddy found a video online of training day for a group of firemen -- he and Quintin both watched with fascination, and Quintin has been mad about fire engines ever since! I love the way he yells, "FIRE ENGINE" whenever he hears a siren -- It sounds like "fire n-n," and never fails to make me giggle. He yells it with such excitement and enthusiasm that I get excited, too! Sirens always made me unhappy in the past (I worried about where they were headed and why); Quintin's love for them has helped me to focus on the bright side -- we talk about the fact that the fire engine (or ambulance, or police officer) is on its way to help someone and yell, "Yaaayy, Fire Engine!"
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