Our gorgeous son turns two next month -- I can't believe how quickly time flies! Creating an electronic scrapbook has been a goal of mine since viewing our friend Shannon's (created for her son Braydon) -- I always assumed it'd be time-consuming and was, frankly, reluctant to take on any new projects during that first hectic year. Do you know that I don't even have written captions yet next to the photographs in the NUMEROUS baby books we've filled since his birth?!? I am more ashamed to admit that I've already forgotten some of the timing of important milestones! Here's the crux of the thing: Taking care of my precious son leaves little time to write about it! :-) Fortunately, I've found that this medium is much simpler than I'd originally imagined, and is less time consuming, actually, than the e-mail updates I sent periodically his first year (If you were a recipient of any of these, by the way, please resend them to me, since Verizon lost our e-mails in a quirky -- and incredibly irritating -- oversight last year.
A snapshot of Quintin's development right now:
Age: 23 months (12/11/07)
Height: 36 inches
Weight: 30 lbs.
Shoe Size: 7
Developmentally, Quintin's major focus this last month or so has definitely been vocabulary --- it's amazing how quickly our son went from a vocabulary of several dozen words to one of several hundred! I know that this is normal development, but it still makes us very, very proud parents! His first words were "Momma," "Dadda," "NuNu," (nursing) and then, "Vrooom, Vrooom" (car!). He began "parroting" about a year ago (Daddy and I have really worked on making sure we're worth repeating!). Now, he's using these parroted words regularly, mostly to tell Daddy and I what's what! ;-) Quintin said his first sentence this week, "Caity is barking," -- he and Caity (the stray lab has become a beloved member of our household) are great friends (she's very, very patient with him!).
Quintin is really revving up for independence, and regularly testing boundaries (He's already got THE LOOK -- the "What are you going to do about THAT?" look!). He plays independently for longer segments, while Mommy works from home & at the book shop -- his favorite independent activities are finger painting, coloring with crayons, playing with his cars, and imaginary play with his Little People. I love to hear him chattering with his toys!
Quintin loves playing outside, bubble baths, Elmo, and anything with an engine (trucks, tractors, fire engines, and race cars are his favorites!). He hates diaper changes, having his hair washed, coming inside, and the word, "No" (who doesn't? lol).