Our peanut LOVES dragons! His favorite movie is How to Train Your Dragon, and we've all watched it more times than I can easily recount. He loves playing dragon, and creates very complex story lines to involve us... "Pretend," he'll start. "Pretend that I am a baby dragon, and you found my egg in the woods and it's very sparkly and big and you don't know what is inside. And then, I hatch. And you love me and take me home with you to be your own pet dragon. But, I don't know what anything is, so you have to explain it to me. Like, I don't know how to brush my teeth, you have to show me. And, I don't know that I'm supposed to sleep in a bed, you have to explain that to me. And, I like to eat meat, so pretend that the quiche is a lot of meat for me. And, you have to explain to me not to eat the other pets. And, pretend that I have sharp claws, but I won't use them on you; I am a very gentle dragon. But, listen to me roar; I HAVE A VERY LOUD ROAR..."

He was VERY excited to get this dragon costume for Halloween. "I look JUST LIKE Deadly Nadder," he shouted excitedly, after putting it on for the first time. "Now, I am a REAL dragon!"
But, he demands modifications sometimes. "I am a red sparkling dragon," he insists. "Pretend all of this green is really red. And, pretend that I sparkle in the sun. Pretend that my fire is real fire, and it is very, very hot! Pretend that these teeth are actually much bigger, and very, very sharp. See, I have very big, sharp teeth. And, my claws are very sharp. I have to be very careful. And, these spikes (Do you see all of my spikes? Here, on my back!) are very, very pokey. They will poke away predators. If a predator comes, I use my big spikes. Then, I show the predator my very sharp teeth. Like this! No predator tries to eat me. They are all very afraid, because I am a dragon and I can set them on fire!..."
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