I have a confession to make (Most will not be surprised, lol!): I am cheap. It's a great way to be if you're on a tight budget (Ours is usually pretty snug!). It's a little embarrassing if you're at a social function and can't stop bragging about what a tight-wad you are (A big mouth is another attribute of mine -- again, no surprise, lol!).
But I have an absolutely precious son (really!). And, despite many promises to myself to raise an enterprising and innovative child by refraining from excessive gifting...Well, he's just precious! It's hard!
When I received a letter regarding school pictures, I got very excited -- they'd be Quintin's first! Imagine, his first class picture! My little boy is growing up!
I thought hard about how to dress him for the big day. I woke him up extra early for school that morning (Alegria Montessori is in St. Petersburg, where I work, so we always leave early -- this was really pushing it!). I nearly drowned him trying to get his hair flat (Quintin is blessed with quite thick hair that stands at right angles most of the time -- especially first thing in the morning). I even used hair spray. Really.
On the ride to school we talked about what to expect. I encouraged him to practice smiling and told him to think about things that made him feel happy inside (he just kind of stared at me).
When we arrived, he shouted to his friends, "See my hair! I look very handsome!" And then, "Don't touch my hair! It will get messy!" Had I gone too far?
When I picked him up from school at noon, his hair was back to bush. His once crisp, white dress shirt was rumply, with juice & something else all over it (White? What was I thinking?). His red Converse shoes (Loved these shoes!) were scuffed & raggedy looking. I prayed they'd taken the pictures early!
I was very excited to receive notice that the proofs were back. I could hardly wait to see them -- to gush over my precious boy with Kevin (and anyone else who'd stand still long enough for me to whip them out).
I tore into the envelope and then looked eagerly at the price list. Over a hundred dollars. Really. I waffled. Got misty eyed. Texted Kevin. What to do?
I am probably (okay, definitely) breaking copyright laws by posting these. They're a little fuzzy (Which is actually a good thing, since Quintin's obviously forced smile looks almost natural), and you can see how well the hairspray worked (The back of his head is ready to take flight -- I'm certain the entire thing sprang loose seconds later). He's not even looking near the camera in the class shot and I get the impression that he wasn't very excited to take part in this part of the big event (Honestly, do any of them?). But, they're his first school pictures -- this is an important milestone, people!
What can I say? I'm cheap. And completely in love with my son!
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