Our family enjoyed a wonderful Labor Day weekend, filled with great moments with family and friends!
Granddaddy was away all week, displaying Lighthouse Books wares at a huge antique show in Baltimore (he was gone even for his birthday, September 1st!), so Quintin and Mommy spent the week in St. Petersburg, taking care of the book store. Saturday, after work, we met Nana in downtown Gulfport for their 10th Annual Gecko Festival. The fun began with the Gecko Parade, during which residents showed off their funky Gecko Get-ups :-D. I took lots of pictures with my phone camera, but the day was incredibly hot and bright (Florida Summertime!) and many of the pictures were overexposed -- a shame, since there were some pretty zainey outfits, lol! Nana treated us to Italian Ices in two different flavors (Quintin ate most of both, lol!) and a big cup of fresh lemonade. We enjoyed looking at all of the local vendors' wares before enjoying a delicious dinner at Yummies. We finished the evening of fun at a huge Zhu-Zhu pets display (Zhu-Zhu Pets were one of the day's sponsors). It was Quintin's first time seeing a Zhu-Zhu pet, and he had a blast stuffing them into the various accessories available for play (there was an huge Zhu-Zhu pet city set up!). Leaving the table was terribly hard -- Quintin was very hot and overtired, and REALLY loving the playtime, but we wanted to get home before too late to see Daddy & get a good night's sleep before church!
Uncle David & Bailey came up late Sunday afternoon and Uncle David helped Daddy work on the awesome bookcases he's building for Granddaddy to use in an antique mall. Mommy's big plans for Water Park fun were rained out (It began to POUR, complete with heavy lightening, just as Bailey, Quintin and I neared the downtown Zephyrhills park), so we instead enjoyed junior ice creams at Dice's before heading over to Auntie Coral & Uncle Tom's for an incredible cook-out (Auntie Coral is an awesome chef!). We worked off our awesome meal playing the Wii game Just Dance. Auntie Coral & Uncle Tom recorded Bailey, Daddy, Mommy & Uncle David in all of our dancing glory, lol! We definitely had a blast -- we are so blessed to have such amazing friends! We spent the night with Uncle David & Bailey at their apartment in Tampa, which saved Mommy about an hour's drive the next morning.
We spent Monday morning with Great-Grandmother Slicker in St. Petersburg, running a few errands and working on sorting through paperwork. Then, Quintin & I met Daddy and Uncle David, Bailey, Wade, and Aunt Chrissy at their apartment in Tampa. There, we enjoyed a late afternoon of swimming, a fabulous dinner (courtesy of David & Kevin) and the Tooth Fairy, a humorous Disney movie. We headed home late, feeling blessed by the great company (and totally exhausted, lol!).